We think that engaging and hearing as many ideas and opinions as we can from a diverse cross section of residents in the Kamo area is so important. This will help us greatly to understand what projects and improvements to Kamo may be of the most benefit to the community, and hopefully give people more of a say in how our community develops and thrives.
We are well aware that a large number of our residents may not be tech savvy or have much interaction with social media or websites. To fill this gap we have created Suggestion Boxes. Ten locations to date have agreed to host these in Kamo – the Kamo Library, Kamo Police, Kamo Club, Kamo Bowling Club, Rest homes and Retirement Villages, High Schools, an Intermediate School, and a Book shop. We have created a roster for KCI members to clear these before each monthly meeting where entries can be discussed and issues can be addressed and feasible projects pursued.